« The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones. »

As a specialist of rupture and crisis, Trans Consult International has asserted itself as the consultancy specialised in company transformation.

The change mindset is often upsetting in companies because they do not foresee it, which leads to organisational, social, ethical and also general crises, as the company and a globalised market aren’t in harmony anymore.

Company transformation implies an analysis of its market position, competitors’ landscape, and also of its social, industrial, organisational and financial parameters.

We now stand at a turning point often summarised as “uberisation”, which implies new work relationships on hierarchy and organisation.

This turning point mirrors the CSR approach (Corporate Social Responsibility, and social & environmental responsibility too). This approach is establishing itself more and more and becomes the spinal cord allowing companies to “think better”.

Now more than ever as many want to defend 70-year-old post-war lessons, companies have to adapt to a global competition where States act as killjoys because they have the power to proceed to competitive discredit.

Anticipating change is giving a vision of the company 3 to 5 years from now, imagining the future, analysing trends, and therefore anticipating the future organisation of the company whether it is about the industry, law, finance, or social fronts.

Arnaud Marion has successfully integrated a social and societal approach to the transformations he participated in with a savoir-faire combining negotiation, making collective agreements evolve, working on work conditions, training and investments, management of jobs and skills – all while being transparent with representatives and having a social dialogue with them.

This job needs a strategic vision, but also a general approach often uniting interrelated skills.

Trans Consult International has also developed skills in digital strategy as competitors evolve (and are different from a few years ago), which forces companies to integrate a digital strategy to their organisation.